Cancer And Homeopathy

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In my clinic daily patient suffering from several kind of carcinoma are coming for getting any relief from their log suffering.

Homeopathy has grown in popularity with the public but is viewed with skepticism by medical academia and is still excluded from conventionally prescribed treatments.

In recent years, homeopathy has been used in cancer care in Europe and other countries worldwide. This use raised the question if there is any benefit in utilizing this type of care with cancer patients. The purpose of this manuscript is to explore the evidence related to the benefit of homeopathy in cancer care. Limited research has suggested that homeopathic remedies appear to cause cellular changes in some cancer cells. In animal models, several homeopathic remedies have had an inhibitory effect on certain tumor development.  

on Adenocarcinoma, Ca  Prostate,  Ca esophagus, Liver cirrhosis  I had applied Homeopathic medicines and get good result to relieve them in their long suffering which was not obtained by them previously by any other means of treatment they opted.

Large no of  patients have approached me after operation, chemotherapy and Radiotherapy when their quality of life had worst and their operating doctors suggested them to live with the same suffering. by the use of Homeopathic medicines in many case i had  improved quality of life.

Some clinical studies of homeopathic remedies combined with conventional care have shown that homeopathic remedies improve quality of life, reduce symptom burden, and possibly improve survival in patients with cancer. The findings from several lab and clinical studies suggest that homeopathy might have some beneficial effect in cancer care; however, further large, comprehensive clinical studies are needed to determine these beneficial effects. 

DR A.K Dwivedi
Advance Homeo Health Center