Mint Tea Leaf For Various Herbal Remedies

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Mint Tea Leaf For Various Herbal Remedies

Mint is an essential ingredient in many Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine and is popularly mixed with natural plain yogurt to make a 'raita' or brewed with tea to make the famous Indian 'Pudina Chai'. In Thai cooking, it is added to soups and to some highly-spiced curries. Mint grown in Asia is much more strongly flavored than most European mints, with a sweet, cool aftertaste.

Mint tea helps to:

    Reduce congestion in a cold or flu sufferer
    Reduce pain and bloating from gas
    Reduce cramping from diarrhea
    Act as a mild expectorant for a chest cold or bronchitis
    Induce sweating, the body’s natural cooling mechanism. This is a natural way to reduce a fever
    Relieve nausea without vomiting

Caution: If you suffer from acid reflux, mint tea may worsen your symptoms. Mint has antispasmodic properties